The Moon may have formed in the wake of a collision between an early proto ... But hold onto your helmets. Did you know we’re offering an on-demand course about Rocks in Space? Get ready to expand ...
This cataclysmic event sent debris into orbit, which eventually coalesced to form the Moon. While this model has substantial support, including evidence from the composition of Earth's mantle and ...
But when did this impact take place? Scientists believe the moon formed during a giant impact about 60-175 million years after the solar system was born. To arrive at this estimate, they can use rocks ...
"Our results provide the first hard evidence that the impact really did (largely ... the origin of the moon have favored the idea that the lunar body was formed from a relatively low-energy ...
The glowing, newly formed Moon was initially very close to the Earth ... away from the Earth and slowing the Earth’s spin as they did so. This motion continues today – the Moon still recedes ...
The first study on the Moon samples brought back by the Chinese Chang'e-6 mission show that the Moon's far side was just as ...
Prof Sara Russell, a planetary scientist at the Museum, works with rock samples and high-resolution images to study the history and geology of the Moon. Join Sara as she tells science communicator ...