Pete Celentano of Jackson and Michael Vaccaro of Middletown braved danger and earned medals in Vietnam, but lost paperwork left them unrecognized.
A former U.S. Marine from Shelburne Falls pleaded guilty to making false statements regarding injuries he received in the line of duty and was overpaid $344,040 in disability benefits by the VA.
A former U.S. Marine from western Massachusetts has pleaded guilty to submitting a fake Purple Heart application to the U.S. Marine Corps through his local Congressman, and falsely claimed injury from ...
Sarge Lintecum, a Vietnam veteran and Purple Heart recipient, dedicated his life to helping veterans through his music and ...
Niagara County officials have started planning for this year's Purple Heart celebration. It will be held Aug. 3 at the ...
Caraday of Corpus Christi was recently honored with the prestigious Purple Heart designation for its efforts in providing ...
Planning is underway for this year’s Purple Heart Celebration that will see more names added to Niagara County's Purple Heart ...