Georgia takes aim at timber in wake of Hurricane Helene

Many farmers in South Georgia are still reeling from the impact of Hurricane Helene. That storm is estimated to have caused at least $5.5 billion in damage to Georgia agriculture and timber.
Georgia House Moves to Boost Spending on Hurricane Helene Relief ATLANTA ... they have to cut other areas to boost spending on their own priorities. Kemp wants four new modular prisons, but ...
ATLANTA — In response to the widespread devastation of Hurricane ... the Georgia General Assembly may provide grants, tax relief and other recovery assistance for those in the disaster areas.
Georgia state representatives have approved a bill that would boost spending on Hurricane Helene relief ... they have to cut other areas to boost spending on their own priorities.
Georgia House Speaker Jon Burns and the state’s top agriculture official are urging President Donald Trump to extend the deadline for Georgians affected by Hurricane Helene to apply for federal ...