The interactive map below shows results in the 2024 presidential election as they are reported to the Associated Press. To see results for any U.S. county, first click on the state, then search ...
Map of election results. Use arrow keys to move around the map. Press Enter to view state-level map. Counties are colored red or blue when the % expected vote reporting reaches a set threshold.
The United States has had 60 presidential elections, starting in 1789. New parties have come and gone, while new states expanded the electoral map. Maps show us how each state has voted over time ...
Kamala Harris of the Democrat party has 75,012,178 votes (48.3%) Donald Trump of the Republican party has 77,302,416 votes (49.8%) This map of the ... How to follow the US election on the BBC ...
This map of the US states was filled in as presidential results were called. It shows huge swathes of the country coloured red for Republicans including much of the south, mid and north west regions.