Virginia’s standard deductions are set to drop dramatically next year, to $3,000 and $6,000. The budget package also would increase the reimbursable amount of the earned income tax credit for ...
Democrats already have seized on potential cuts in the state-federal program to portray Republicans as trying to harm poor ...
In a region where 1 in 8 workers are federal civilians, uncertainty over the federal government is are leaving localities ...
RICHMOND, Va. — The Virginia legislature ended its 45-day session Saturday with a slew of budget amendments ranging from tax cuts to child care, but some lawmakers said they would likely return ...
Revenue from data centers has been earmarked to help with affordable housing in Henrico. The region overall has also seen a surge in home prices since 2020 and higher taxes ...
Virginia Business is the only publication dedicated to covering economic activity in every sector and every region of Virginia. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience ...
You only have to look at some southern Virginia localities that have already opened their doors to data centers to see the results.