Some European governments are afraid that Putin may turn his armies their way after Ukraine. They worry President-elect Trump may not help if Russia attacks.
Current local time in Kaliningrad (Europe/Kaliningrad timezone). Get information about the Europe/Kaliningrad time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is applicable) current time in all cities/countries belonging to ...
It’s needed, the government in Warsaw says, because Russia and Belarus are waging a particular kind of hybrid warfare: helping groups of migrants — mostly from Africa or the Middle East — to break through the border to provoke and destabilize Poland and the rest of Europe.
Current time and date at Kaliningrad Devau Airport is 20:02:28 PM (EET) on Tuesday, Jan 14, 2025 Looking for information on Kaliningrad Devau Airport, Kaliningrad, Russia? Know about Kaliningrad Devau Airport in detail. Find out the location of Kaliningrad ...
Polish border guards look east into Belarus at the crossing point Połowce-Pieszczatka in Polowce, Poland on Jan 16. (AP)
Kiev's partners are considering the possibility of sending troops to the front line in case of a ceasefire to deter Putin. Paris and London lead a proposal that Spain does not rule out. Olexander, a veteran of the Ukrainian special forces,
Russian President Putin has made it clear that he is willing to negotiate with the US about the war in Ukraine, but will only accept a full capitulation by Ukraine, including territorial concessions and neutrality with Western powers.
NATO’s Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) has confirmed to TWZ that four Dutch F-35A stealth fighters are now also participating in Baltic Sentry, a mission intended to ensure the security of critical undersea infrastructure in the region.
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk called for drastically higher defence spending in the European Union in an address to the European Parliament on Wednesday. "If Europe is to survive, it needs to be armed,
A Russian court's order for Austria's Raiffeisen Bank International to pay 2 billion euros ($2.1 billion) in damages for a collapsed deal shows Moscow's determination to strike back at the West, with companies bearing the brunt of the fallout.
European Union top diplomat Kaja Kallas warned on Wednesday of a possible attack by Russia in the coming years, as she appealed for defence spending to be boosted. "Many of our national intelligence agencies are giving us the information that Russia could test EU's readiness to defend itself in three to five years,
Putin suffers record losses in 2024 as Kyiv warns Trump against early peace talks - Ukraine says Russia suffered more casualties in 2024 than in past two years combined