A proposed statewide public financing program for political campaigns was once again shot down Wednesday, even as a raft of election reform measures remain alive.
Six district seats on the City Council are up for election. There were 20 candidates who filed to seek office and, at least four of the districts are guaranteed to change hands in the new election.
HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - Property owners will have a chance to appeal the federal government’s new Flood Insurance Rate ...
Question: Regarding Oahu’s new flood map, the city says you can appeal if your property is placed in a high-risk zone and you have to get flood insurance because of that. Is hardship a grounds for ...
Incumbents Thomas Kosowski, Candice Cantelo and Steve Radice seek reelection with Thomas McGinnis and Jennifer Bednarczyk challenging.
Floral Park residents seem set to keep their village leadership around for another term. The village’s mayor, Kevin Fitzgerald, and two of its trustees, Deputy Mayor Lynn Pombonyo and Frank ...
Some branches of the county government have their own elected officials, such as the San Diego County District ... changes to how San Diego County runs elections, including limiting vote-counting ...
The work is expected to take about six weeks, and the words will be replaced by an unspecified set of city-sponsored murals.
The city of clovis has made a historic change that will impact all the city's elections moving forward.tonight's city council meeting will solidify clovis's fir ...