F or decades, Ash Ketchum has been the face of the Pokémonfranchise, traveling across regions, battling Gym Leaders, and ...
Pokémon Horizons has once again surpassed what Ash was allowed to do in its latest episode, complete with an incredible ...
One of the only fossil Pokémon to not evolve, the abominations against Arceus itself don’t count, is Aerodactyl. The iconic ...
The next stage of the Pokemon anime offers fans something that was not available in the original Pokemon show starring Ash.
Releasing in Japan on March 14, Heat Wave Arena continues to focus on Trainer’s Pokémon following their return to the TCG in January’s Battle Partners. In the latest set, Misty, Ethan, and Cynthia are ...
The Pokemon Company is teasing a major new announcement for its Horizon anime series, potentially revealing things that have long been rumored.
Many Pokemon have a variety of forms, but these Pokemon take the concept to a new and absurdly powerful level.
Legendary Pokemon need to have designs that manage to get across their strength and superiority, with these being the biggest ...
The original Pokémon Black 2 was a bold game that attempted to push the series in a more adult direction — and it was the ...