Dr. Suzan Johnson-Cook founded Women In Ministry International to empower and mentor women of faith in a male-dominated profession.
Black History Month is the perfect time to acquaint your family and yourself with some of the many African American historical sites that dot the South.
After three years in Memphis, I went to Trinity Evangelical Divinity School north of Chicago. I soon noticed there were fewer than ten Black students from the United States. I was very excited to be ...
Wilmington resident Marty Beaugard Sr. was honored at an event in Hillsboro recently for his service to the community.
Festival events include a movement workshop hosted by Jacob's Pillow and a reading and book-release of "Harlem Rhapsody" by best-selling author Victoria Christopher Murray.
The group Southern Movement Committee will host the 4th Annual State of Black Tennessee Town Hall Saturday afternoon.
This California town, home to many migrants from the Deep South, has determined to rebuild after the Eaton fire’s destruction ...
The Aiken Master Gardeners will hold a Lunchbox Lecture at noon Friday, Feb. 21, at Millbrook Baptist Church, 223 S. Aiken ...
There are various ways in which “powerless” persons lose their land. History is full of examples of how persons in power, politically and economically, find ways to take land from ...
The hard left of the Democratic Party is trying to force Gov. Hochul to fire Mayor Adams because it thinks he might help the ...
He cofounded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference shortly after his home and church were bombed, and he became its ...
Concert to benefit L.A. fire victims The Finest City Wind Orchestra will perform “Sound the Bells” at 3 p.m. March 2 as part ...