The canton of Ticino will reduce the wolf packs in the Onsernone Valley and Val Colla. The federal government has authorized the culling of up to two thirds of the wolves born in 2024 in both valleys.
Gli avvocati di Owens, 46 anni, avevano chiesto la sospensione dell'esecuzione alla Corte Suprema americana ieri, poche ore ...
Ciné-Doc revient pour une 9e saison, partout en Suisse romande. L'événement dédié aux documentaires propose six films suisses ...
Less than two weeks after the end of the Paralympics in Paris, the world's best para-cyclists are once again competing for medals. At the World Cycling Championships in Zurich, they can present ...
Der Abschuss der Wölfe soll, wenn möglich, in der Nähe von Nutztieren oder Häusern stattfinden, um die verbleibenden Wölfe ...
Early on Friday evening, left-wing activists occupied the Kasernenareal in Zurich. They cordoned off the area with partitions and plastic tarpaulins and set up a concert stage. The police were on site ...
Il consigliere federale Beat Jans ritiene che esternalizzare in Paesi terzi i procedimenti di asilo potrebbe essere sensato: ...
Nach einem wilden Fussballspiel mit zwei Platzverweisen und fünf Toren klagen die Augsburger Verlierer Schiedsrichter und Videoassistenten an. Besonders an zwei Szenen entzünden sich die Gemüter.
The wet and cold weather at the beginning of the summer had an impact on this year's admission figures for Swiss outdoor pools. Despite the late midsummer in August, the operators of the swimming ...
In Zürich wird aktuell das Kasernenareal besetzt. Solange es friedlich bleibt, will die Stadtpolizei Zürich nicht ...
Das nasse und kalte Wetter zu Beginn des Sommers wirkte sich auf die diesjährigen Eintrittszahlen der Schweizer Freibäder aus ...
Il consigliere federale Beat Jans ritiene che esternalizzare in paesi terzi i procedimenti di asilo potrebbe essere sensato: ...