Jansson and Mmaee will certainly not be able to play against Austria. But there is a chance of Burgstaller making a ...
Stephan Pernkopf is not only the deputy governor of Lower Austria, but also the provincial fire chief. During the flood ...
After the establishment of a protection zone in the Volksgarten in Graz proved successful, but also shifted the problem to ...
DSV Leoben just can't get out of the negative headlines. No sooner has calm returned than the traditional club from Upper ...
Now it's happening after all! From October 28, Linz's main square will be freed from through traffic because Klosterstraße ...
More and more people are suffering from heart failure. However, those affected no longer have to go to hospital all the time: ...
A 24-year-old female biker was killed in an accident involving three motorcycles on the Gaisberg in the early hours of Friday ...
Die Sirenen heulten in der Nacht auf Samstag in der Gemeinde Pfaffenhofen im Tiroler Bezirk Innsbruck-Land. Grund war ein ...
The sirens blared on Saturday night in the municipality of Pfaffenhofen in the Tyrolean district of Innsbruck-Land. The cause ...
Sturmsorgen in Hütteldorf: Jansson und Mmaee können gegen Austria sicher nicht auflaufen. Aber die Chance auf ein Burgstaller ...
In Graz-Liebenau brannte am Freitagabend ein Müllraum lichterloh. Die Bewohner waren gegen den Brand chancenlos, also rückte ...
Die top-moderne, turniertaugliche Minigolf-Anlage ist ab Oktober bespielbar. Die Gemeinde rechnet mit großem Interesse. Es ...