We ranked 7 Dr Pepper flavors from least to most beloved, based on reviews, Reddit chatter, and retailer ratings.
My Yorkshire childhood gave me a fatally sweet tooth. It’s hard to believe now, but the 1970s high tea would feature a main ...
Reports of Diet Coke’s death may have been greatly exaggerated. Jon Springer covers sports marketing and beverage marketing.
The Coca-Cola Company now boasts 30 billion-dollar brands: from classics such as Coca-Cola and Sprite to newer winners like ...
Pickle lovers can now buy Claussen’s signature brine in ready-to-pour bottles for cocktails, cooking, and more.
Cola, or the calorie-equivalent amount of broccoli? Some scientists would tell you there’s no difference, because “a calorie ...
Maryland lawmakers may impose the nation’s first dedicated statewide tax on soda and other sugary beverages — joining cities ...
Demand is surging for the likes of Lucky Saint and Corona Cero – but is it acceptable to drink them at your desk?
The latest viral Diet Coke trend comes courtesy of pop star Dua Lipa, who unknowingly set the internet ablaze with a drink ...
Your emotional support Coke might be shaving years off your life, according to a study which found you can lose 12 minutes ...
presented the president with a special customized bottle of his favorite sugar-free soda. Trump isn't the only figure in the new administration who count themselves in the cult of Diet Coke.