Prezidentas Gitanas Nausėda Europos Sąjungos (ES) lyderiams siūlo 2030-ųjų sausio 1-ąją numatyti kaip „orientacinę datą“ ...
Latvijos ministrė pirmininkė Evika Silina antradienį vykusioje spaudos konferencijoje žurnalistams sakė, kad dėl galimo JAV ...
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has proposed a plan for Ukraine and Europe, which includes using a new source of funding ...
Gitanas Nausėda, the president of the Baltic coastal nation ... "This is a challenge of Putin towards NATO." The country recently became the first member of the NATO military alliance to commit to ...
Prezidentas Gitanas Nausėda sako, kad dvišaliai ar regioniniai gynybos aljansai būtų pavojingi ir dėl jų aižėtų NATO vienybė.
Lithuania has vowed to increase its defense spending to the GDP percentage level President Donald Trump is demanding.
Prezidentas Gitanas Nausėda bei užsienio reikalų ministras Kęstutis Budrys penktadienį išvyksta į Vokietijoje prasidėsiančią ...
Gitanas Nausėda, the president of the Baltic coastal ... “This is a challenge of Putin towards NATO.” The country recently became the first member of the NATO military alliance to commit ...
Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda has stated that no one has the right to issue ultimatums to NATO. Source: Nausėda to journalists on Thursday, 13 February, as quoted by LRT and reported by ...
Gitanas Nausėda, the president of the Baltic coastal ... "This is a challenge of Putin towards NATO." ‘Unacceptable’ if ceasefire plans exclude Kyiv The country recently became the first ...