The fire wiped out almost everything,” Bernard said. “It's a war zone. We're all just dealing with it day by day, but it's so ...
As wildfires continue to rage in southern California, many victims are now seeking refuge in Florida. Local realtors are ...
One week after record snowfall, places like Tallahassee and Jacksonville will see temperatures in the 70s and low 80s.
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Firefighters quickly extinguished several brush fires that erupted Monday in Southern California amid ...
Intermittent showers sweeping across Southern California on Sunday ... the surrounding coastal areas. Think only California burns?Think again. Even Florida, Texas and New Jersey at risk.
The rain that is expected to hit the scorched Los Angeles landscape this weekend may bring relief to the fire fights, but it ...
Big Dog Ranch Rescue in Loxahatchee has taken in just under 80 dogs saved from devastating wildfires in Southern California and freezing temperatures in Texas.
PALM BEACH GARDENS, Florida (WPBF) — As wildfires continue to rage in southern California, many victims are now seeking refuge in Florida. Local realtors are reporting an uptick in inquiries ...