On February 21, 2025, as Michigan employers were preparing to comply with the provisions of the Earned Sick Time Act (the ...
Together, WEP and GPO affect nearly 3 million Americans including police officers, firefighters, postal workers and ...
Our elected officials must pass lost and stolen gun reporting laws. These laws would hold gun owners accountable but also prevent firearms from falling into the hands of those who are unprepared ...
What’s on your mind? Join our community conversations and let your voice be heard by writing a letter to the editor. Letters can be a maximum of 250 words, and are subject to editing for ...
Bill DeMora on why he voted against the changes to Ohio’s marijuana laws found in Senate Bill 56, when he voted for a similar set of changes in December 2023. Capitol Letter is a daily briefing ...
More than 60 child-safety advocates are forming a new coalition to push for passage of app-store age-verification laws nationwide.
The law of supply and demand tells us that when there are more options available, costs tend to decrease as, in this case, providers would compete by offering better value. Unfortunately, in rural ...
I haven’t. There are laws against littering, and there are signs posted prohibiting littering. Why aren’t they enforced? I have heard some people tell me that the police have more important ...
Reynolds said Sand did not follow the right process for seeking information about the ESA program ... is not necessarily required to provide a formal engagement letter to begin an audit.
The ESA program provides ... that we signed it into law,” and that the report from Sand’s office was part of an effort to run for higher office. “He has the opportunity to review it with simply ...
Florida law permits individuals over 21 years old ... Motorcycle riders under 21 without the required insurance coverage can be ticketed for not wearing a helmet. Daytona Bike Week 2025 will ...